5 Bach Remedies to help you find calm in a (financial) crisis

Bach flower remedies for calm

As we emerge from the pandemic, Brexit fallout and war on our doorstep have contributed to our worries.

For many, a sharp rise in living costs has altered the financial landscape and crossing the finish line at a Tough Mudder obstacle course might be a whole lot easier than balancing the monthly accounts!

Covering the cost of our most basic requirements, taking care of our families and maintaining a reasonable quality of life have become more difficult to achieve in recent months. And when circumstances are entirely out of our control, worry is a very normal response to existing or potential problems. But it can also lead to greater stress, anxiety and a general imbalance of our mind, body and spirit.

The Bach system provides 38 remedies and numerous remedy combinations to ease our path forward in challenging circumstances. By helping to balance our emotions, Bach remedies adjust the way we respond to worries and fears.

Remedies to try

If money matters are on your mind, here are my top five remedy suggestions, a great starting point for making peace with financial stress.


Gentian is the remedy for discouragement

For example when things go wrong or where there has been some sort of setback, perhaps the loss of a job. Those requiring Gentian feel low, despondent or mildly depressed. They doubt their ability to recover, progress and are inclined to give up.

Gentian gives encouragement to persevere after a setback. It helps us to face difficulties without falling into negativity, supporting us as we find solutions to problems.


Mimulus is the remedy for a specific fear

In this context it might be fear of redundancy, bankruptcy, poverty, rising interest rates, the inability to pay school fees or general financial anxiety.

This remedy encourages people to face their fears - imagined or realised - with strength and courage, solve problems and regain emotional balance.


Scleranthus is the remedy for indecision

In hard times, we may need to make hard and fast decisions. For the person who needs Scleranthus, this is a dilemma often leading to mental exhaustion. It is simply impossible for these people to decide! Opportunities for improved circumstances can be lost due to the time wasted swinging between options.

This remedy brings focus, helping us to make clear, rational decisions for our highest good… even under pressure.


Walnut is the remedy for times of transition or major change

These periods are for most of us, stressful and destabilising. When unexpected events force us to change the course of our lives, we can struggle with the loss of familiar circumstances as we move into unknown territory.

Walnut is known as a link-breaker helping us to cope with change and external circumstances. With focus and determination, Walnut supports us to make necessary adjustments in life.

White chestnut

White Chestnut is for worrying thoughts

They are repetitive, uncontrollable and recur without resolution. In this state, the preoccupation with thoughts leads to a loss of concentration and clear, constructive thinking which can result in mental exhaustion and general fatigue. People requiring White Chestnut can also experience insomnia, headaches and depression.

White Chestnut helps to calm the mind and control thoughts allowing us to be present and enjoy the moment. In a more balanced state, we find solutions to our fears are more likely to present themselves.

How to take the remedies

The two most common ways to take the remedies are as follows:

Short term and passing moods

Take two drops of each remedy in a glass of water, juice, tea or any other beverage. Sip regularly throughout the day until symptoms fade. Remedies can also be taken neat on the tongue.

Long term and complex remedies

You may feel attracted to more than one of the remedy descriptions above. It's perfectly safe and efficient to take up to seven remedies in one mixture.

If your worries are longer-lasting - and because this advice is all about helping you with money matters - the most economical method is to mix your remedies in a treatment bottle.

To do this, you will need a 30ml bottle with a dropper.

  • Fill the bottle to the shoulder with still mineral water.

  • Add two drops of each chosen remedy.

  • Take 4 drops from your mixture, 4 times per day in a beverage or directly on the tongue.

The mixture bottle will last three weeks and is best kept refrigerated. If this is not possible, add a teaspoon of brandy to fortify the mixture. Cider vinegar or glycerin can also be used if you prefer an option without alcohol.

If your current mood feels more extreme than any of the remedy descriptions above, there may be a more appropriate prescription for you. Take a look at some of the other possibilities and if you’re new to the system, seeking the help of a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner is recommended.

For further information about Bach remedies or to find a local practitioner, visit the Bach Centre website: https://www.bachcentre.com


With 8 years as a Squarespace Circle Member, website designer and content creator, Rosanna shares tips and resources about design, content marketing and running a website design business on her blog. She’s also a Flodesk University Instructor (with 8+ years expertise in email marketing), and runs Cornwall’s most popular travel & lifestyle blog too.


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